The government-run postal service earlier this week debuted “Equality Stamps,” a collection of four stamps meant to represent different skin colors. The palest of the stamps cost 90 cents more than the darkest stamp — a price difference meant to reflect the value Spaniards place on people based on their skin color, according to an ad campaign for the stamps.
Sales of the stamps ended Friday morning, a spokesman for Correos told CNN. He said the postal service “will not make comments” about the criticism the campaign received.
Asked if the end to the campaign was a reaction to that criticism, he told CNN, “It’s not like that.”
“Correos is an anti-racist company,” said the spokesman who noted that the postal service does not usually specify when a campaign will end.
The stamps were meant to ‘reflect an unjust and painful reality’
Of the four shades of the “Equality Stamps,” the palest cost 1.60 euros (about $1.95), while the stamp of the darkest shade cost 0.70 euros, about 85 cents in the US.
“The darker the stamp, the lower its value,” Moreno said in the ad. “That means you’ll need more black stamps than white ones for your delivery. That way, every letter and every parcel will be a reflection of the inequality generated by racism — a protest.”
Correos’ critics saw the stamps as feeding into racism rather than combating it. While the ad described the collection as an act of protest, “demanding that color should not determine the value we place on a person’s life,” the campaign ended up offending people of color in Spain, whom the ad targets, said Antumi Toasijé, president of the Council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination.
CNN has reached out to Moreno for comment on the campaign. A spokesperson for SOS Racism said the organization is “aware of the controversy” surrounding the stamps and is deciding its next steps.