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Rip, Tear, and Scream in Doom 3: VR Edition, Out Today | COGconnected

Doom 3 AKA the Scary Doom

The Doom franchise is perhaps known best for its fast pace and ultra bloody gameplay. The more recent games kick that up to modern levels that rival the standards that the legendary classics set back in the day. Somewhere between the classic games and the reboot series, we find Doom 3. It was not like Doom 1 and 2, but still found its own place in the series. Doom 3 was the game that dipped its feet into the horror genre. Sure, the fight against demons always implied horror, but Doom 3 really tried to capture the tone. Now, you can experience it with new immersion in Doom 3: VR Edition.

After the resurgence and success of Doom in 2016, id Software followed it up with Doom VFR. While there is certainly an audience for action VR games, and Doom was perfect for that, there is also a significant demand for horror games in VR. Thankfully, they have game for that too. Doom 3 was very much story driven, compared to pervious titles. The dialogue, cutscenes, and extra audio and video files help create a deeper world for the player, which is conducive to the immersive experience that VR can provide.

In case you skipped out on Doom 3 back in the mid-2000s, check out the launch trailer that PlayStation released earlier today. Doom 3: VR Edition comes with the original game and the Resurrections of Evil and Lost Missions expansions. It may not be the Doom you played last year or your granddad’s Doom, but it is a bold step from the traditional tone of Doom. Doom 3: VR Edition is available now on PSVR.

Are you going to check out Doom 3 in VR? Let us know in the comments below.



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