The next four years are critically important to the future of our nation and our world. The Democratic coalition that defeated Trump is fragile and could fall apart if its wealthiest members balk when asked to bear the financial costs of the economic programs required to keep it together. Let’s hope we prove up to the challenge of putting our money where our mouths have been. The alternative would be a disaster.
Don’t take tax increases personally. Yes, we are pretty smart, have mostly worked hard and played by rules which very, very few us had any hand in making. We’ve also had some luck. But this is not about personal virtue; it’s just about money.
Become our higher selves. This may be just the nudge those of us with more than enough money need to try new and better things: taking a new job, volunteering, learning the piano, or spending more time with our kids and grandkids.
Hold our heads high. One important task of politics is to arrange society so that people can pursue their own projects without doing wrong, injuring others or benefiting from their misfortune. But many of us have benefited from the misfortune of others who have suffered from awful things like wage repression, leveraged buyouts, reckless lending to consumers. A more balanced policy environment will make it easier to go to work with our heads held higher.
Go out with a bang! The world needs our money, so if we don’t want to lose it, let’s use it! Let’s give it away, invest it for real impact (e.g. climate, crumbling infrastructure, healthcare, social justice, etc.), or just go on a massive spending spree at a time when the economy could use the boost.